You won't believe what happens next

You won't believe what happens next

2020, Mar 01    

Let’s generate headlines with GPT2

  • Step 1 : Find your dataset

Thanks Kaggle : Headlines from the Onion

Process it :

f = open("OnionOrNot.csv")
data = filter(lambda line: len(line) > 0 and len(line.split(",")) == 2, f.readlines())
processed_data = map(lambda line: line.strip().split(",")[0] + "\n" if line.strip().split(",")[1] else "", data)
from functools import reduce
dumped_data = reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, processed_data)
with open("onion_processed.txt", "w") as g:
  • Step 2 : Finetune the model

Unfortunately the full GPT2 is a bit too big to be trained easily. We can go for a smaller model.

Follow the steps on this repo

Enabling the GPU mode, brings a lot of value in the training speed.

  • Step 3 : Generation time :

Early generation :

And if you've ever had the chance to play a hidden game, I promise you, you will make the best ones.
And if you've ever had the chance to play a hidden game, I promise you, you will make the best ones.
And if you have the chance to play a hidden game, I promise you, you will make the best ones.
I promise you, you will make the best ones.

Quite interestingly, the limited training time brings a very crippled model even if the loss decreased a lot in about 10 steps.

After the 300 steps :

Man with 5 cats claims he's the new face of furry fandom

My best picks

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Report: 87% Of Humans Would Rather Be Sexually Attracted To Robots

Woman calls 911 to complain about the weather: 'I am in a bad mood right now'

Life: Environmental Experts Recommend Cutting Down On Spiked Mistletoe

Non hand picked sample from 1000 iterations :

======== SAMPLE 1 ========
Quosed Chinese thief pulls sled down Saskatchewan trail thinking it is a pet
N.D. legislator sees potential in all New Yorkers by watching governor
Pizza delivery man gets $75 after being wrongly imprisoned for 31 years
Woman arrested for ‘havingboos’ booby-trapped her car during a raid on a meth lab
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Hang-gliding cop caught after trying to take phone from car during police chase
Rival Gangs Claim They Protect Each Other From Fundamentalism Of American Capitalism
Sumerians Warn Hungarians They're Going To Be Tyrants For Hire After Vote
Russian Porn Filter Blocks XXX-Catered-For Views of its Cinemascope
Life: Environmental Experts Recommend Cutting Down On Spiked Mistletoe
Mighty Wall Of Skyscraper Stared Huge On Skulls
Man Named Vincent D’Onofrio Beautiful Wall Of Being Hept for 7 Years 
Woman Caught Making Cat Scare Party During Whole Fucking Trailblazing Son's High School Merger
Police: Air-to-Face Compliment During Traffic Stop Becomes Twitter Topic
‘Hangry disgruntled ex-girlfriend stolen for church shooting site’: 5 Signs Your Pregnant-Party-Proud-Uncles
Lucky Break For Wendy Baldwin: Mother Gets To Have Rest Of Wife’s Dead Family Over Video Game Boss During PAX Prime
‘Miracle on Ice’ Players Wondering If They Can Still Make It To Final Fantasy Game This Year
North Pole zoo displays horrifying ‘illusion of a normal day’ in life
"Muslim man arrested for slapping girlfriend."
New Haven Globetrotters warn travelers coming from Australia
Nordstrom Not Even Tugging Into Every Order Now
‘Miracle On Ice’ Players Wondering If Frozen Is Still Real After 5 Minutes
Woman charged in Walmart burglary note left on car says it was written by her
Mormons Say More on Their Page because They Can't Find Much Comment There
Texas Woman Accused of Shooting at Her Own 3-Year-Old Years Ago
‘Miracle On Ice’ Players Wondering If They Can Still Make It To Final Fantasy Game This Year
Woman calls 911 to complain about the weather: 'I am in a bad mood right now'
Trump Assures Nation That Defunds Within 2 Years
Loch Ness Monster ‘absolutely’ not ‘a flatulent-like creature’
"Republican candidate: ""Scampy collides with bicycle during campaign rally"""
Klingon language of names proposed to tackle school shootings delayed by ministers quoting Oxford English"
Study: Sharks Much Ado About Size Of Small Deer Skip Olympics
Elderly Woman Begins Dedication To Her Hive Mind
Lucky Bastard Restaurant’s Chandelier blasts 'air-ghost' power of 3500rpm
Korean Onion Socialites Seemto Have Discovered American Dead In Lake
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Punk Band Shoots 1996 Video Game Advance For Badass Rock Fans
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Woman Found Her Ex-Partner Shooting Swords From A Riflesights Sword Belt
Trump Administration Denies Obama Used Military Positions In Promotion Of Syrian President
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The quality remains globally poor as some examples are non sensical or stutter on certain words.

This is a known issue of smaller version of GPT2