Wave function collapse part 3

Wave function collapse part 3

2020, Dec 13    

This post is the thrid one on wave function collapse.

Note : Have a look at the original github repository implementing this algorithm.

Going further than the simple tile model

In this posty, we are going to discuss the overlapping wave function collapse. The strength of this algorithm ? No need to define the adjacency rules between the tiles !

It means that one can easily pick an example and start generating ! In fact the most impressive generation are using this version of the algorithm.

How do we adapt the algorithm ?

To me, at first, it was really unclear how the initial algotrithm could adapt to overlapping tiles. The idea became clear when I made the analogy with convolution filters that have both a size and a stride (which is usually half of the size).

Size and stride

This image was taken from a website illustrating convolution neural networks but it is actually perfect for WFC. The first image is the original image and the second image is the class map. By reading the input image, we can learn that class RED is a possible left neigbour of class GREEN.


We need to do 2 things :

  • Compute the slices according to the stride value
  • Compute connexion according to a stride-based overlap

After that, we get an adjacency matrix exactly like previously. So the algorithm can run without any change to the logic.

Let’s have a look of how the tile extraction works :

from typing import NamedTuple
from itertools import groupby

class UniqueTile(NamedTuple):
    index: int
    tile: np.ndarray
    count: int
    def from_tile(cls, tile: np.ndarray):
        return UniqueTile(np.sum(tile), tile, 1)
    def reduce_tile_set(cls, tile_array):
        rez = list()
        for key, group in groupby(tile_array, lambda x: x.index):
            group = list(group)
            rez.append(UniqueTile(key, group[0].tile, len(group)))
        return rez

class OverlappingTileSetBuilder:
    MAX_INDEX = 10

    def compute_connexion(cls, img1, img2, stride, dir_i, dir_j):
        Overlapping connexion implies that we are to match a large area.
        Example : size = 7, stride = 3

        img 1               img2

        xxxoooo           ooooooo
        xxxoooo           ooxoooo
        xxoooxx           ooooooo

        img1 --right-neighbour--> img2 ?
        Then :

        img1[:, stride:]    img2[: :-stride]

            ooo           ooo
            ooo           oox
            oxx           ooo

        connexion --> img1[:, stride:] == img2[: :-stride]
        if dir_i == 0:
            if dir_j == 1:
                return (img1[:, dir_j  * stride:, :] == img2[:, :(-(dir_j) * stride), :]).all()
                return cls.compute_connexion(img2, img1, stride, -dir_i, -dir_j)
            if dir_i == 1:
                return (img1[dir_i  * stride:, :, :] == img2[:(-(dir_i) * stride), :, :]).all()
                return cls.compute_connexion(img2, img1, stride, -dir_i, -dir_j)

    def build_tile_adjacency_from_tileset(cls, tileset, stride):

        max_index = len(tileset)

        adj = dict()
        for d in {(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)}:
            adj[d] = np.zeros((max_index, max_index))
            for i in range(max_index):
                for j in range(max_index):
                    adj[d][i][j] = cls.compute_connexion(tileset[i].tile, tileset[j].tile, stride, d[0], d[1])

        return adj

    def build_slicer(cls, my_img, size, stride):
        The number of tiles depends on stride
        # We want to limit the size of the image where we collect patches
        my_img = my_img[:size * cls.MAX_INDEX, :size * cls.MAX_INDEX, :]
        max_i_index = my_img.shape[0] / stride
        max_j_index = my_img.shape[1] / stride

        def slicer(i, j):
            assert (i >= 0 and i < max_i_index)
            assert (j >= 0 and i < max_j_index)
            return my_img[i * stride: i * stride + size , j * stride: j * stride + size , :]
        return slicer
    def build_adj_and_tileset_from_img(cls, img, size, stride):
        my_slicer = cls.build_slicer(img, size, stride)
        tile_set = list(map(lambda t: UniqueTile.from_tile(my_slicer(t[0], t[1])), 
                            [(i, j) for i in range(cls.MAX_INDEX) for j in range(cls.MAX_INDEX)]))
        my_reduced_tileset = UniqueTile.reduce_tile_set(tile_set)
        my_reindexed_tileset = [UniqueTile(i, t[1], t[2]) for i, t in enumerate(my_reduced_tileset)]
        adj = cls.build_tile_adjacency_from_tileset(my_reindexed_tileset, stride)
        return adj, my_reindexed_tileset     

However the final map computed by the WFC algorithm has to be rendered a bit differently to handle the stride.

Some generations

The 4 quadrant generations show

  • the original image,
  • the tile classes repartition,
  • the class map (as seen by the WFC)
  • the final generation.

Pully example

Pixel art example

Another pixel art example

Urban example

Mondrian test