Wave function collapse part 1

Wave function collapse part 1

2020, Nov 15    

This is a post presenting how I reimplemented the Wave function collapse presented in this github repository

The Algorithm

An example

Let’s start with an example of what the algorithm can do. On a grid, 3 colors are possible for each position but two neighbours cannot have the same color. Now fill the grid and respect this rule.

Example execution

This execution is what you could have done by doing it manually. The wave function collapse algorithm allows to implement this filling for that kind of constraint and many others

The steps

The algorithms contains two main steps.

  • Collapse : choose a state on a position with minimal entropy (= minimal remaining options)
  • Propagate the constraint of the new choice on the whole grid

These two steps are repeated until all positions on the grid have a given state / color My implementation in python can be found in this notebook

Code for each phase

How data is organized : the map and the adjacency matrix

The state map

wave = np.ones((3, 10, 10)) # 3 possible state, 10x10 map

# Force position 0,0 to class 3
wave[:, 0, 0] = 0
wave[2, 0, 0] = 1

The adjacency matrix

# All classes have the same pattern : 
# The same class is not tolerated in the direct neighboorhood
# All adj[i, i] = 0, all other adj[i, j] = 1 if i!=j
prop_base = np.array(
      [[0, 1, 1],
       [1, 0, 1], 
       [1, 1, 0], 
# Here for all direction we assign the same neighboorhood rule
# The tuple used as key defined the direction (y, x)
adj = {(-1, 0): prop_base, (1, 0): prop_base, (0, -1): prop_base, (0, 1): prop_base}

Selecting a state

At every round of the algorithm, we will make a decision to collapse a state to a single class. [0, 1, 1] may become [0, 0, 1]

def select_location(wave):
    # We want to find location of low entropy (state almost defined)
    # We replace location already collapsed with high values to be sure to find location
    # that are still not collapsed but with the lowest possible entropy
    sub_index = np.where(np.sum(wave, axis=0) > 1, np.sum(wave, axis=0), 10000)
    # Find lowest loc
    index = np.argmin(sub_index)

    i = int(index / wave.shape[2])
    j = index % wave.shape[2]
    return i, j

Here we just find a location. We need to select at random a state for this tile.

This could be done differently when ties are present to enforce other properties like a certain distribution of tiles.

Propagation algorithm Now the core algorithm, how the contraint is propagated accross the whole matrix.

Per element the formula is the following

wave[:, i + di, j + dj] *= wave[:, i, j]  * adj[(di, dj)]

         [d]            *=    [d]         *   [d x d]

It can be vectorized with :

wave[:, u + du] *= wave[:, u]  * adj[du]
     [d]        *=    [d]      *   [d x d]

wave'[:, : + du].t *= adj[u] * wave[:, :]
    [N x d]        *=    [Nxd]    *   [d x d]

In python, this looks like this :

def one_iter_propagate(wave, adj):
    # Create a padded version of the map, so we can take a whole slice 
    padded = np.pad(
        wave, ((0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 1)), mode="constant", constant_values=True
    # To gather the update over the 4 directions
    update = dict()
    for d in adj:
        dx, dy = d
        # We take a different crop depending on the direction
        current = padded[
            :, (dx + 1):(wave.shape[1] + dx + 1), (dy + 1):(wave.shape[2] + dy + 1)  
        # We compute the constraint of direction-neighbour on the current element in a vectorized fashion
        update[d] = (adj[d] @ current.reshape(current.shape[0], -1)).reshape(current.shape)
    # Finally the computed constraint are applied on the current position
    # new_state = [1, 0, 0] = old_state = [1, 0, 1] * [1, 0, 0] neigbour_constraint
    for d in adj:
        wave *= update[d]
    np.clip(wave, 0, 1, out=wave)

This code is the direct application of the vectorized formula presented a few line before.

All in one

All the different parts of the algorithms are combined in this single class

class WFC:
    class ContradictionException(Exception):

    def one_iter_propagate(cls, wave, adj):
        padded = np.pad(
                        wave, ((0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 1)), mode="constant", constant_values=True
        update = dict()
        for d in adj:
            dx, dy = d
            current = padded[
                :, (dx + 1):(wave.shape[1] + dx + 1), (dy + 1):(wave.shape[2] + dy + 1)  

            update[d] = (adj[d] @ current.reshape(current.shape[0], -1)).reshape(current.shape)

        for d in adj:
            wave *= update[d]

        np.clip(wave, 0, 1, out=wave)

    def propagate(cls, wave, adj):
        count = 0
        last_count = 0
        while last_count != wave.sum():
            last_count = wave.sum()
            cls.one_iter_propagate(wave, adj)

            if (wave.sum(axis=0) == 0).any():
                raise cls.ContradictionException("Contradiction found")

            count += 1

        return count

    def select_location(cls, wave):
        sub_index = np.where(np.sum(wave, axis=0) > 1, np.sum(wave, axis=0), 10000)
        index = np.argmin(sub_index)

        i = int(index / wave.shape[2])
        j = index % wave.shape[2]
        return i, j
    def choose_state(cls, wave, u, v):
        array = wave[:, u, v]
        indices = list(range(array.shape[0]))
        norm_array = array / sum(array)

        state_chosen = np.random.choice(indices, p=norm_array)
        wave[:, u, v] = 0
        wave[state_chosen, u, v] = 1
        return state_chosen

    def wave_collapse_agorithm(cls, wave, adj):
        iteration = 0
        wave_array = list()

        while wave.sum() > wave.shape[1] * wave.shape[2]:
            # We save the previous wave state in case of error 

            u, v = cls.select_location(wave)
            state_chosen = cls.choose_state(wave, u, v)
                cls.propagate(wave, adj)
            except cls.ContradictionException:
                # Recover previous state
                wave = wave_array.pop()
                # Set the option previously taken as impossible
                wave[state_chosen, u, v] = 0
            iteration += 1

            if iteration > 100 * wave.shape[1] * wave.shape[2]:
    def run_wave_collapse(cls, my_adj, h, w):
        n_tiles = my_adj[(-1, 0)].shape[0]
        wave = np.ones((n_tiles, h, w))

        # Run the wave collapse alg
        cls.wave_collapse_agorithm(wave, my_adj)

        return wave

Some generations

Now let’s see what we can get with this algorithm.

Basic class belonging map Basic map with classes display

Vertical dependencies Generated using vertical dependencies : classes ranges from 0 to 9. 0 is necessarily at the top of the screen. Vertical neighbours of class i are necessarily class i or i + 1